Expanding With Erin

EXACT Steps to Collapse Time : Things Will Shift FAST!

• Erin Lyons

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Erin explains how to harness the power of quantum physics to bring your desires into the present moment. Understand that while humans experience time linearly, Divine Source Creator experiences all timelines simultaneously, meaning there is no time for the Source.

🌟Here's how you can vibrate as Source and collapse time to manifest faster :

1.Understand Time as an Illusion: While humans experience time linearly, Source experiences all timelines simultaneously. By shifting your vibrational frequency, you can make things happen faster.

2.Be in the Energy of Already Having What You Desire: Act as if you already have what you want. For example, create content as if you're already speaking to your desired number of subscribers. This signals presence and attracts your desires.

3.Relate to Your Desires Through Love: Most people approach their desires with fear. Instead, switch to love and excitement. Love is magnetic and helps you become the person who already has their desires.

4.Ignore Current Experiences and Clarify Preferences: Use negative experiences to refine what you truly want. Gaining clarity activates parallel timelines and provides a detailed picture of your dream timeline.

5.Shift Your Thoughts, Beliefs, and Behaviors: Live in the energy of having your desires now. Think, speak, and believe as if you've already achieved them. This aligns you with the desired version of yourself.

Remember, collapsing time involves living in the point B energy, not point A. 🌌✨


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